Hello, my name is Dominika Chalder and I practise modern hypno-psychotherapy which is progressive, inquiring and creative. I bring a non-judgemental and insightful mind to guide you through the process of betterment and self-discovery.
What sets me apart from other therapists and coaches is a skillful use of clinical hypnosis and mindfulness that allows me to work with your problem at the deeper, unconscious level.
When you experience this altered state of consciousness, your brain is more placid and releases a lot of dopamine and serotonin so it can learn faster new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving, which promotes long-lasting changes. Because of that, I can help you move much quicker towards your goals than the traditional forms of therapy and counseling. I focus on what’s right with you so you can discover and hone your strengths and talents. This brings empowerment and significant improvements in the quality of your life.